The Vegan Diet

The Vegan Diet

Veganism has become increasingly polarizing over the years with people viewing it as either the best thing ever or as being a sign of insanity. For health nerds and environmental/animal rights activists, being vegan is a badge of honour… Proof that you’re willing to take things to the next level, or from a layman’s point of view, provides you with a platform from which you can shove your moral superiority in everyone else’s face. After all, there’s the well known joke; “How do you know if someone is vegan? Don’t worry, they’ll tell you.”

Thermogenic Effects of Food

Thermogenic Effects of Food

The thermogenic (thermic) effect of food is the cost of digesting food and therefore the effect it has on your metabolism. A lot of people consider highly thermogenic foods to be "negative calorie" foods, and I'm sorry to say, but that's a myth. There are however foods with a significantly higher thermogenic effect than others, and while they aren't going to make you burn more than what you're ingesting, they will help you minimize your calorie intake by satisfying hunger cravings and by providing your body with tools that can aid your body's ability to burn fat.



One of the tell tale signs for identifying someone as a hardcore fitness freak is by the amount of supplements they take on a daily basis. However, while this may be worn as a badge of honor by many (proof of their unrelenting dedication to “aesthetics” or some other such goal), the majority of these supplements have very little scientific proof to back up the various claims of their efficacy. In other words, the main thing these gym junkies are paying for is a placebo effect.

Sugar and Carbohydrates

Sugar and Carbohydrates

While carbohydrates are an essential nutrient, sugar most certainly is not. When you eat sugar (and indeed when you eat carbohydrates albeit to a lesser extent) your insulin levels spike and this is what causes you to store fat. You see, your body can use sugar for energy extremely quickly as there is literally no conversion process required and so your cells get filled with more glucose than they need to perform their function, and when cells have excess glucose the remainder gets stored as fat.

The Benefits of Tea

The Benefits of Tea

There are many benefits to be had from drinking tea, and doing so for the pure enjoyment of it is the most important of these benefits. You may say that you don’t like tea, but that is quite simply a lie. There are hundreds if not thousands of different teas and so there’s a pretty high chance that you’ll like at least one. Here are a few choice teas which will aid you on your way to being fit and healthy.

Whey Protein Powder

Whey Protein Powder

Whey protein has the highest bioavailability rating compared to other protein sources which means that you're able to metabolize it significantly faster and so your muscles are able to use the protein to begin repairing and building within 15 minutes which can prevent catabolism and therefore maximize your exercise results. However, there are a few things you need to consider when buying whey protein.

The Faulty Food Pyramid

The Faulty Food Pyramid

The word nutrition has become a word that many people fear nowadays because of all the misinformation we’re bombarded with whenever we so much as think to look into learning more about it. From one fad diet to the next, how can we know which is the real deal and which will garner the most significant results in the most sustainable way? It’s certainly not easy and I’ve had my fair share of experimenting with my diet and being disappointed just as I’m sure many of you have as well.