To help people get the most out of their bodies and their lives.



  • Transparency

  • Functionality

  • Simplicity

  • Affordability

These are the pillars upon which FITVO was designed and what IN/EXTERNAL LTD will continually take into account for every product we create going forward.



IN/EXTERNAL LTD seeks to make fitness accessible to anyone who decides they want to live a healthier lifestyle. The industry as it stands has created this idea that being fit, and more importantly being healthy, is a reality reserved only for those with a lot of disposable income and plenty of free time. While it's undeniable that those two factors do indeed make it easier to achieve your health and fitness goals, they're still perfectly achievable without them. If you want to get fit then all you need is a body and some clothes you don't mind getting sweaty in (and some would argue even this isn’t necessary).

Furthermore, fitness apps typically advertise the aesthetic benefits that can be gained by using their program and while there's no shame in being motivated by a desire to look better, we at IN/EXTERNAL LTD don't believe it's what the primary focus should be. Performance focus is therefore where FITVO encourages its users, because not only is it more easily quantifiable when trying to gauge your progress, but it also naturally correlates to a more desirable body anyway.

Know your power and be motivated to feel strong, capable and confident.